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Our Water Investment

"...Every Water Problem has a Business Solution..." 


There are millions of people who struggle daily to access water. Whilst there is a recognized global water crisis, solutions available in the water industry are not being realized quick enough to change the planet for the better especially with the advance of climate change.


The time to act is now to ensure this precious resource is protected and can serve the water needs of our way of life be it municipal, agriculture or industrial demands.

H2O Securities is a progressive company that uses blockchain finance technology and smart contracts to fast track the delivery of water production plants and water treatment solutions. It has the first mover advantage in the digital tokenization of water finance globally.


Future generations worldwide
are dependent on us
to invest today
to meet the growing demand for
tomorrow's water.


Traditional water infrastructure finance required large upfront capital expenditure against long term cash inflows attached to a range of risks over the project’s life cycle. H2O securities provides the solution to mitigate the global water crisis by utilizing blockchain finance technology to make the investment more attractive to investors offering better security that protects capital investment and high returns.


Exchange Trust has registered 10 billion H2O coins on the Binance Smart Chain which are available to purchase globally since December 2021 from a range of both Decentralized (DEX) and Centralized (CEXs) Exchanges on the Binance Smart Chain. These exchanges represent the marketplace that connects cryptocurrency buyers and sellers.


100% Asset Backed, 100% Revenue Share, 100% Asset Ownership


To realize the purchase of water producing assets such as desalination plants, wastewater plants, dams, surface water treatment plants and other; H2O coins are staked, and H2O Digital Warrant Securities is issued.


These securities are licensed and registered on the digital securities exchange. The assets purchased belong to the H2O Coin stakeholders via Smart Contracts and Digital Security Warrants. Monthly repayments of the financed assets/plants are paid in H2O Coins to the staking pools.


The H2O Coin strategy was specifically designed to increase the accessibility to finance for the production of water infrastructure that would meet environmental resilience and highly bankable investment criteria.


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